Friday, July 3, 2015

Spring JDBCTemplate usage

This example describes the spring jdbc template class usage. Published sample project to github and can be cloned.

  Examples provided for the common operations like Update(), Execute(), queryForObject() and queryForList().

   basically this sample application developed using below technologies.

  1. Gradle as build and dependency management.
  2. Spring framework (JDBC).
  3. HSQL InMemory database.
  4. JUnit framework.
You can play with the unit tests provided along with the application.

Here is my github location.

For more instruction how to build, run and import into eclipse, please go through the README.MD file under github project.


Saturday, May 2, 2015

Spring Embedded Database example with gradle

Shared Spring 3.x application on github and ready to pull.


This gives you the brief idea how to use Spring Embedded database feature with Hibernate ORM.

And also used lombok and logback frameworks.

Gradle as build tool.

Go through the README.MD file for the instruction about running the application.

+Plovababu Babu 